A few days ago I wrote a post about binge drinking and how it made me uncomfortable. Stargazer from The Hand Mirror also wrote a post about drinking and how she felt about holding meetings at pubs. Go and read it.
Stargazer brings up a massively important point, the object of a pub is to sell alcohol. Sure many sell food and offer other entertainment, bands, gambling, pool etc. But they exist as public houses for the purpose of drinking. I don't think orgnaisations should be holding meetings and non-social get togethers there. Maybe they shouldn't even hold social gatherings there.
It takes someone from another culture sometimes to point out what we are too close to see for ourselves - drinking is a huge part of our social fabric. I don't think it should be. Alcohol is a drug. A single serve of alcohol is fine, a glass of good wine, a shot of premium bourbon, a tall glass of a finger of gin, tonic and a slice of lemon - all lovely. But we aren't stopping there, our culture drinks until it gets drunk.
Once again I'd like to promote the Pioneer Total Abstainence Association. Maybe Catholics reading this feel called to give up alcohol in reparation for its abuse and the pain that it causes. I beg you to at least consider it. Perhaps abstanence isn't for you, then please pray for the Pioneers at least.
The New Zealand contact details are:
Mrs Mary McGee (National Secretary)
16 Duke St, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1041
Ph: 09 620 4605
You can read about the experiences of a Pioneer in the Marist Messenger: The times and trials of a misunderstood Pioneer!